Teens In Transition - Dr. Jack Bachman
Teens In Transition - Dr. Jack Bachman
Dr. Jack Bachman had about 17 years of successful youth ministry before entering the senior pastorate. He observed a number of good Christian young people who either did not make it to Bible college or never finished. In their times of transition between a junior in high school and when they should have graduated from college, they ran into pitfalls for which they weren't properly prepared and faced defeat. The author successfully worked through many of these problems himself.
Dr. Bachman picked out 13 of the main pitfalls he had observed and gave insights to prepare young people for victory. The chapters cover: Potential, Memories, College Decisions, Relationships, Finances, Schedule, Health, Ministry, Dating, Walk with God, Attitude, Testimony, and Momentum.
Parents, youth workers and churches purchase this unique book to protect their teens in whom they have invested over the years. They deeply desire to help them finish right.
This is one of the greatest high school graduation gifts one could buy.