Copy of a Letter from a Layman's Web College Student

Brother James,

     Thank you for the time and work you put into the "Laymanship" course. It has been a great help to me in many ways. I was so glad you included your personal testimony of how God used you from a young age. This was amazing and encouraging to me because I also want to be a great soulwinner for the Lord. In the family (clan) section, you mentioned praying for God to help me love others more and asking Him to provide love that I can then distribute to others. God answered this prayer quickly and I am blessed by this to be a better husband, father, and Christian. The responsibility section for each family member was helpful also.

     Overall, the best aspect of this course was how professionally laid out it is. The material is presented in a neat, easy-to-understand fashion. I feel all information taught was relevant and edifying. I am looking forward to taking and learning from all the classes I can get my hands on.

     God bless you, brother. Thanks again!

Your friend, Joe Renner


James Bachman